
23. - 27.08.2010
Zürich summer school


Roman Andreev SAM, ETH Zurich Zurich
Kurt Baarman Aalto University, Institut of Mathematics Aalto
Markus Bachmayr AICES, RWTH Aachen Aachen
Yun Bai EPFL - Section of Mathematics Lausanne
Jonas Ballani MPI for Math. in the Sciences Leipzig
Davide Baroli Universita Insurbria Como, Cuggiono
Bastian Bohn Inst. f. Numerische Simulation, Uni. Bonn Bonn
Francesca Bonizzoni MOX, Dip. Matematica Politecnico
Holger Brandsmeier SAM, ETH Zurich
Tobias Breiten TU Chemnitz Chemnitz
Alexey Chernov Hausdorff Center for Mathematics Bonn
Roberto Croce University of Bonn Bonn
Philipp Dörsek Vienna University of Technology Wien
Andrew Duncan University of Warwick Coventry
Cedric Effenberger SAM, ETH Zurich Zurich
Martin Eigel Institut für Mathematik Humboldt-Universität Berlin
Mohamed El Fatini CNRS, Universite de Pau Pau
Jos Gesenhues University of Bonn Bonn
Claude J. Gittelson SAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Nabi Godarzvan KDVI, Uni. of Amsterdam Amsterdam
Tim Golla Inst. f. Numerische Simulation, Uni. Bonn Bonn
Vasile Gradinaru SAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Lars Grasedyck MPI Leipzig Leipzig
Michael Griebel University of Bonn Bonn
Rafaela Guberovic SAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Ralf Hiptmair SAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Alexander Hullmann Inst. f. Numerische Simulation, Uni. Bonn Bonn
Tobias Jahnke Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe
Carlos Jerez-Hanckes SAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Lutz Kaemmerer Faculty of Mathematics, TU Chemnitz Chemnitz
Jesper Karlsson King Abdullah University Thuwal
Peter Kauf SAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Sohrab Kehtari SAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Sebastian Kestler Inst. für Numerische Mathematik - Universität Ulm Ulm
Irene Klompmaker TU Berlin, Institut für Mathematik Berlin
Efi Kokiopoulou SAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Florian Kraemer SAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Daniel Kressner SAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Andreas Kühnemund University of Bonn Bonn
Jingzhi Li SAM - ETH Zurich
Ali Lashgari California Institute of Technology
Fredrik Lindgren Chalmers University of Technology, Mathematical Sciences Göteborg
Friederike Loerke IBNM, Leibniz University Hannover
Shipeng Mao SAM, ETH Zurich Zurich
Marie Michenkova Charles University, Inst. of Computer Science
Giovanni Migliorati MOX, Dip. Matematica Politecnico Milano
Siddhartha Mishra SAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Martin Mohlenkamp Ohio University Ohio
Andrea Moiola SAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Mohammad Motamed King Abdullah University Thuwal
Florian Mueller SAM, ETH Zurich Zurich
Achim Nonnenmacher EPFL - Section of Mathematics Lausanne
Oliver Nowak SAM, ETH Zurich Zurich
Asieh Parsania Institut für Mathematik, Universität Zurich Zurich
Vincent Peikert Integrated Systems Laboratory ETH Zurich Zurich
Arno Petri Tuebingen
Martin Plesinger SAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Oleg Reichmann SAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Tatiana Samrowski University of Zurich, Inst. of Mathematics Zurich
Christoph SchwabSAM - ETH Zurich Zurich
Alexander Shapeev EPFL - Section of Mathematics Lausanne
Corina Simian Institut für Mathematik, Universität Zurich Zurich
John Strain UC Berkeley, University of California Berkeley
Fazli Subhan University of Leicester Leicester
Jonas Sukys ETH Zurich Zurich
Susanne Suter University of Zurich
Institut für Informatik
Lorenzo Tamellini MOX, Dip. Matematica Politecnico
Christine Tobler ETH Zurich
Seminar for Applied Mathematics
Tino Ullrich Hausdorff-Center for Mathematics, Uni. Bonn Bonn
Alexander Veit Institut für Mathematik, Universität Zurich Zurich
Erik von Schwerin King Abdullah University Thuwal
Daniel Wissel Inst. for Numerical Simulation
University of Bonn