Higher-Order Quasi-Monte Carlo

A collection of resources for HOQMC, in particular for interlaced polynomial lattice rules.



Python Scripts for Lattice Rules

pyQMC is a simple Python library available at this project page containing tools for the evaluation of lattice rules and interlaced polynomial lattice (IPL) rules. Note that these scripts are not optimized, and focus on elucidating the properties of IPL rules. This library does not contain any algorithms for the construction of generating vectors, but is compatible with the generating vectors published on this site.


The following files are provided with this library.

File Description
lattice.py contains representations of lattices: Lattice, PolynomialLattice classes.
weights.py contains weight parametrizations, see below.

Representation of Weights

Weights are represented as classes with the following members:

Name Description
name human-readable name of the weights
archivename unique string representing the name of the weights, as in the archive
paramlist an ordered Python list of strings representing the parameters

Instantiating Weight Classes

Weight classes are instantiated with a list of parameters of length at most that of paramlist, where the ordering is the same as that in paramlist.

Available Weights

Weights are implemented in the file weights.py.

Name Type Parameters
PROD_tz product theta, zeta
PROD_INV_tz product theta, zeta
SPOD_tz SPOD theta, zeta, q
SPOD_2dstaircase SPOD t, q, zeta


We give here some example usage of these scripts. For more, see the bin/ directory of the code archive, available at the project page.

Loading lattices

A polynomial lattice can be loaded by passing the name of a file containing the generating vector and the number of desired dimensions to the constructor of PolynomialLattice.

from pyQMC.lattice import PolynomialLattice
# name of file containing generating vector
filename = "standard_spod_a2_C0.1_SPOD_TZ_t0.2_z2/SPOD_t2.000e-01_z2.000e+00_m5.json"
# number of dimensions
s = 16
lat = PolynomialLattice(filename, s)
for p in lat:
    print p


This example shows how to approximate the integral of a function satisfying derivative bounds required to ensure membership of a weighted space with SPOD weights and decay $\beta_j \sim j^{-\zeta}$. The integrand is given by the following expression (see also [Gantner and Schwab 2014] for detailed experiments involving this function).

from numpy import arange, array, dot, polyfit, log
from pyQMC.lattice import PolynomialLattice, quadrature
# generating vectors (value for m to be inserted with '%m')
filename = "standard_spod_a2_C0.1_SPOD_TZ_t0.2_z2/SPOD_t2.000e-01_z2.000e+00_m%d.json"
# dimension
s = 128
# integrand
fct = lambda y: 1./(1+0.2*dot(y,arange(1,s+1)**(-2.)))
# values for convergence study
mvals = arange(1,7)  # increase this to use more points
Q = []
for m in mvals:
    lat = PolynomialLattice(filename%m, s)
    Q.append(quadrature(lat, fct))
E = abs(array(Q[:-1])-Q[-1]) # errors using last as reference
p = polyfit(log(2**mvals[:-1]), log(E), 1)
print "measured convergence rate:", p[0]


  1. Gantner, R.N. and Schwab, C. 2014. Computational Higher-Order Quasi-Monte Carlo Integration. Tech. Report 2014-25, Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Zürich (to appear in Proc. MCQMC14). (link, pdf)