Prof. Dr. Ralf Hiptmair:

Student Projects and Theses

    (Term papers, Bachelor & Master Projects)

Available Student Projects

Please contact me directly to discuss potential thesis/term projects in various direction:

Note: Most projects are suitable for both students of mathematics andcomputational science and engineering.

A successful BSc/MSc thesis project/term paper involves:

  • A written report covering a description of the problem, details of the mathematical and numerical techniques, a thorough account of all results, and an assessment of the findings (for term projects this report can be rather brief, for diploma projects it should meet the requirements for a scientific publication).

  • An oral presentation (15-45 min): Term projects for students of CSE will be presented in the lecture series "Fallstudien". Term projects of students of other subjects will be presented at SAM. Slides for the presentation should be prepared electronically. To create slides with LaTeX use the Beamer package.

  • A well documented code provided with a wrapper that assists in re-conducting all the numerical/computational experiments.

Please do not forget to register your thesis/term project online !

Some of these projects can be continued as paid research assistant (Hilfsassistent)!

Current Student Projects

Finished Student Projects

Ralf Hiptmair, SAM, ETHZ, 23-04-2013