import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy import diff, finfo, double from ode45 import ode45 def ode45stiff(): """tries to solve the logistic differential equation using ode45 with adaptive stepsize control and draws the results: resulting data points -> logode451.eps timestep size -> logode452.eps both plots also contain the 'exact' solution """ # define the differential equation fun = lambda t,x: 500*x**2*(1-x) # define the time span tspan = (0.0,1.0) # get total time span L = diff(tspan) # starting value y0 = 0.01 # make the figure fig = plt.figure() # exact solution # set options eps = finfo(double).eps options = {'reltol':10*eps,'abstol':eps,'stats':'on'} tex,yex = ode45(fun,(0,1),y0,**options) # plot 'exact' results plt.plot(tex,yex,'--',color=[0,0.75,0],linewidth=2,label='$y(t)$') plt.hold(True) # ODE45 # set options options = {'reltol':0.01,'abstol':0.001,'stats':'on'} # get the solution using ode45 [t,y] = ode45(fun,(0,1),y0,**options) # plot the solution plt.plot(t,y,'r+',label='ode45') # set label, legend, .... plt.xlabel('t',fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('y') plt.title('ode45 for d_ty = 500 y^2(1-y)') # write to file # plt.savefig('../PICTURES/logode451.eps') # now plot stepsizes fig = plt.figure() plt.title('ode45 for d_ty = 500 y^2(1-y)') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(tex,yex[:,2], 'r--', linewidth=2) ax1.set_xlabel('t') ax1.set_ylabel('y(t)') ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(0.5*(t[:-1]+t[1:]),diff(t), 'r-') ax2.set_ylabel('stepsize') # write to file #plt.savefig('../PICTURES/logode452.eps') if __name__ == '__main__': print 'warning: this function takes a long time to complete! (not really worth it)\n' ode45stiff()