Version history: ALSVID-UQ-1.2: - extensions and optimization of conservation laws: Wave Equation - ESF: height positivity preserving Roe-type energy stable (ES) solver for Shallow Water equations - high order ENO and WENO reconstructions can be performed in entropic variables (required for Shallow Water) - 3D visualization tools via MayaVi - additional bottom topographies: Karhunen-Loeve expansions in 1D (kl) and 2D (kl2d) - modularization of topographies - portation to Cray XE6 (Palu) on CSCS - Shallow Water models: steadystate, dambreak, lake-at-rest (+ 2D versions steadystate2d, dambreak2d) ALSVID-UQ-1.1: - extensions and optimization of conservation laws: Shallow Water, Burgers, Euler and Linear Advection - normal distribution - slicing of 2D plots to investigate smoothness of 2D solutions - Shallow Water Equations; models: dambreak, tsunami; topographies: flat, bump, bump2d, shore (+ their random versions); solvers: HLL, EC, ES. - sample offsetting (SAMPLES_OFFSET) for fault tolerance analysis ALSVID-UQ-1.0: - random initial data with any number of uniform stochastic drivers - parallelisation over MLMC levels, MC samples and domain decomposition - posibility to observe time evolution in rendered movies - lots of stochastic 1D and 2D models - WELL512a random number generator - "downsampling" version of MLMC also available